
This section describes Starling’s various commands and functions available via its command-line interface. Remember to always type starling before invoking an argument in the command-line.

If you don’t understand a word used in the documentation, try looking it up in Starling’s glossary under the “Resources” section.

Table of contents

I would like to... command
Read documentation in the command-line help
Configure global preferences for Starling config
Store a file or folder store
Know what Starling is doing monitor
See a list of what I have stored list
Download a file I have stored get
Verify the authenticty of my files verify
Retry a failed upload retry


Syntax: starling config

About: Configures the two global settings for Starling: the number of redundant copies of the data you’d like to store on the Filecoin Network, and the amount you’d like to pay (in USD) per TB of data.

Arguments: none


Syntax: starling get [minerID] [contentID]

About: Queues downloading a specific file stored by a specific miner on the Filecoin Network.

argument required info
minerID yes Specifices precisely which Filecoin miner you would like to download from. Can be found in the output of the `list` command's CSV.
contentID yes Specifies the particular file you would like to download. Can be found in the output of the `list` command's CSV.


Syntax: starling help [command]

About: Lists all available arguments.

argument required info
command no You can run the help command without any arguments (i.e. starling help), however if you supply the optional argument of any of starling's commands (i.e. starling help get), the help output will provide more specifics on that particular command.


About: Queues the process of making storage deals with Filecoin miners on your behalf. store makes storage deals for the number of redundant copies and price per TB specified when you first installed Starling, or else updated using config.

Syntax: starling store [path]

argument required info
path yes full path to the file or folder you want to store


Syntax: starling list [path]

About: Outputs a CSV file of all your content currently stored on the Filecoin Network.


name required info
path no You can optionally supply as an argument a path to where you would like Starling to store the CSV it will output as a result of the list command. If no path is supplied, the CSV will be saved in your present working directory.


name info
content the original and unique filename of the content you stored with the miner
Size the content size measured in bytes
CID content identifier; a unique identifier for the content
Miner ID a unique identifier for the miner storing the content
Deal commencement the date the storage deal was made in YYYY-MM-DD format


About: Launches an interactive interface for monitoring your content being stored or retrieved by miners on the Filecoin Network.

Syntax: starling monitor

Interactive keyboard shortcuts:


name info
Files stored in the network the number of files stored on the Filecoin Network
number of miners the number of miners storing or retrieving your files
Storage space used the amount of storage space currently being used (in TB)
Wallet balance the balance of your Filecoin wallet
Active jobs the number of active jobs currently being performed by miners
Queued jobs the number of queued jobs waiting for miners to perform
jobId a unique identifier for the job (i.e. deal or transaction) between you and a miner
type The type of job. This has two possible values: upload, or download.
status Indicates the status of the job. There are four potential values. queued means the job is waiting to run. sync means that data is actively being uploaded or download to/from a miner in the Filecoin network. seal means that the miner has fully recieved the data you are storing, and is generating the Filecoin proofs for the first time, and embedding these in the block the data is stored in. Lastly verify means that the miner is checking the vailidty of the proofs.
content the original and unique filename of the content you’d like the miner to store or retrieve
size the content size measured in bytes
elapsed time the amount of time that has passed while the job has been active in HH:MM:SS format


About: retries any failed uploads or downloads

Syntax: starling retry

Arguments: none


About: Outputs a CSV file of your content stored on the Filecoin Network which you can use to verify the integrity of data.

Syntax: starling verify [path]

argument required info
path no You can optionally supply as an argument a path to where you would like Starling to store the CSV it will output as a result of the verify command. If no path is supplied, the CSV will be saved in your present working directory.


name info
Content the original and unique filename of the stored content you’d like to verify
CID content identifier; a unique identifier for the content being stored
Miner ID a unique identifier for the miner storing the content
Deal commencement the date the storage deal was made in YYYY-MM-DD format
Original commD value the original sector data commitment
Original commR value the original replica commitment
Original commRStar value
Date of last check the date the content was last checked for verification
Recalculated commD value the sector data commitment recalculated for verification
Recalculated commR value the sector data commitment recalculated for verification
Recalculated commRStar value
Verification result compares commitments (i.e. commD, commR, commStar) to verify that content has been continuously stored in accordance with deals made. If the value is listed as pass, then your content is safe - the proofs all match the originally calculated values. If the value is listed as fail, then there is a problem – the recalculated proofs do not match the orginal proofs.